[英文PG]Owl babies


今天LeiChi 說的是ANNA很愛的小貓頭鷹,不過我們之前都是看中文版
ANNA還是聽的很專心,LeiChi 有將所有媽寶的照片都印出來,而且一張一張手繪小貓頭鷹的輪廓讓孩子們著色和貼上寶寶和媽咪的照片

Esther 則是先帶孩子們唱9 little children,複習用手指從一數到九,再從九倒數回來,最後帶了一本圖畫書教小朋友各種職業.

LeiChi shares the story "The Owl Babies" and makes children color their own owl and paste their own photo and Mommy's photo on it. What a master piece that has Baby and Mommy's photos on it! I'll keep it as long as I can. That's for sure! 

Esther teaches children different jobs, like policeman, teacher, fire fighter, doctor, and so on, you name it! The book Esther is using has hundrends of things in it, like a treasure chest. I wonder if we can finish it all by the time the kids all go to school..I like the way she tells everything on the page, tell you what that is and why that is. Good for kids!
